
TASTER: Body Composition Analysis, History & Lab Test




Use our easy Body Composition App from the comfort of your home to take photos of your body and posture.  Our app will guide you step by step on how to take a photo of yourself.  You also have the chance to take a short video performing a movement so that we can evaluate how your body changes.  In doing a movement, we will be able to best determine what stretches and exercises are needed for you.

Once we have received your photos, you will receive an analysis with a report on your body composition along with an analysis on your movement, personalised tips and specific exercises for your body to make the needed improvement to your overall health.

Ideally, we need to see as much of your body as possible.  In order to get the most accurate analysis: men should take photos with tight shirts or even topless.  For women: sports bras or bikini tops will provide the most accurate analysis. Loose-fitted clothing is not advisable.

Upon purchase, you will receive a link for our app via email.  Please be on the lookout for the follow-up email instructions.

You will will also receive an email with our Hormone Checklist of Signs and Symptoms AND an Initial Intake form.  Please be on the lookout for this email.  Once you receive the link for the Initial Intake form, please fill it out.  This will trigger a laboratory test to be posted/mailed out to you.  The laboratory test will be determined after the first phone conversation to see which test is the best fit for you.

*The laboratory tests will be ordered with the aim to be sent directly to your home.